EMF Protection

Introducing tuün™RESONATE.

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!

EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields, or electromagnetic radiation.

Where does all this radiation come from? We now live in a world of electricity. Firstly electric power lines criss cross so much of our land bringing electricity to our homes. We have electric tools, appliances, gadgets, and gizmos galore! So many of these things get “plugged into the wall”. Additionally, the development of batteries and the transistor made all these items smaller and portable. Now it’s radios, TVs, computers, tablets, and laptops. After that the cell phones came into being. And…every one of them, if it uses electricity, puts out EMF Radiation. Radiation is radiation is radiation. Not good for our bodies, not good for the environment.

Wireless technology and communications are gorging the globe with this EMF radiation.

The devices emit EMF radiation and EMF radiation is used to send the incoming signals. Not only that, but the increasing strength of the signals and the expanding global coverage mean that this radiation is everywhere we are and getting more and more powerful. Worse yet, we want all the latest and greatest gadgets coming onto the market. Not to mention, with the increased portability, we now carry them on and close to our bodies.

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!

Why do we need protection from EMF?

The Human Body Energy Field

Natural Health and Wellness is something we have been researching for some time discovering many areas of interest. One of the most interesting is the study of our body’s energy and the tools to make sure it stays positive.

Everything in the universe is energized with its own vibration frequency. The earth itself also has a vibration frequency of its own. There is even an energy field around our body, from our body, that we cannot change. Furthermore, we can, ourselves, produce negative energy. Our natural bodily energy field is known to resonate at the same frequency as that of the earth’s. This fact is key in understanding the problem of EMF radiation. When we get away from EMF forces and are in a more natural setting we often find ourselves far more relaxed and peaceful. This is a sign we have ourselves in our natural rhythm in alignment with the earth. We are “IN TUNE” with the world.

EMF Radiation and its effect on the body

The radiation from EMF bombards our bodies from all sides, at all times, and everywhere we are. Today there is so much more of this radiation than ever before. It is estimated that we are experiencing one quintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) times the amount we received just ten years ago.

This radiation freely penetrates our bodies

This radiation freely penetrates our bodies, organs, and especially our brains. We alco need to understand that our bodies are run on low levels of electrical current. Significantly the brain’s whole function depends on the flow of this electrical signaling. Subsequently the impact of the radiation throughs off the flow and interrupts the balance of our whole bodies. Thus we become “Out of Tune” and off balance. Thus we find ourselves out of sync with our own nature and nature itself. Correspondingly the natural rhythms of our lives grow more and more chaotic and irritated. We sense it but sadly do not realize what it is specifically we are sensing.

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!

The results of EMF radiation exposure

Sadly the increased levels of EMF radiation and other electronic signals, such as those used in today’s mobile applications may cause, and probably are causing, a wide variety of symptoms. These symptoms can include the following:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • restlessness and anxiety

Furthermore we also have this warning against EMF Radiation. The World Health Organization, WHO, and its International Agency for Research on Cancer, has released a statement declaring EMF Radiation as a Class 2B possible carcinogen.

The results of all of this negative EMF stimulation take a toll on our lives on all levels and on all of our relationships. Obviously we no longer function at our best, as our best selves. Consequently our personal lives as well as our interpersonal lives with family, friends, work, and in our communities deteriorate as a result. Hence we are simply no longer our best selves.

tuün™ RESONATE is the BEST PRODUCT for EMF Protection on the Market this is the top.

In summary, as we travel through this sea of EMF radiation we really need to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this danger. This is the top product to provide this protection. There are other products available but this is the top, the best. Wear it on your neck, put it in your pocket, keep it close to you. At night put it on your nightstand. This device will protect you continuously against the EMF dangers around you. Every member of your family really ought to have one as well.

In the final analysis, the more you research this, the more you will see this is real and you truly need to be doing something real about it.

tuün™ RESONATE is the BEST PRODUCT for EMF Protection on the Market, this is the top.