All Things Self-Help and Self-Education

Self-Help and Self-Education is available to all that look for it. Books, applications, seminars, and videos abound to aid in the effort. There is most probably even more than these. We gather and share resources here, so Keep looking here as we add regularly. And share with your friends and family so we can spread the learning around the globe:

All Things Self-Help and Self-Education

EMF Protection

Electromagnetic Forces, or Electric and Magnetic Forces have become more and more harmful as the spread of technology expands. In general, Our bodies each have a natural frequency. It is disrupted by countless EMF devices and this is affecting our quality of life. However, knowledge on this is becoming huge, and we have what we all need to help protect us from the damage EMF Radiation is Causing. See the details and where to find solutions here:

Is College Worth It?

College education is proving, more and more, to WASTE TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. This waste is creating debts that multiple generations have to work to repay. Self-Help and Self-Education have led to far more success than so called “Higher Education”. See and hear some Facts as well as See a SOLUTION to College for your Kids and You Here.

We will be adding more and more self-help and guidance to this Category here on our Information System. When it comes to self-help and gaining the most from it, often it helps to have solid direction. We have so much to offer in this direction as we ourselves believe in actions towards this very thing on a daily basis.

Looking for a way to “Truly Learn and Understand” the Internet. Maybe you want to learn about this new change in Crypto-currencies and the Blockchain. There is an entire network that teaches, and works with individuals to explore and understand all of this. See BLOG WITH RORY and become a part of so much more. If you are searching for something special, you found it. Enjoy the process.