
Coffee is the #2 Global Commodity

Coffee is the #2 Global Commodity after Petroleum. However, it is the caffeine in the coffee, of course, that we chase to give us the lift. How many of us so need that first cup to get that lift in the morning? And many of us need two or even more cups.


So…what if drinking that morning… and mid-morning… and afternoon coffee…could actually help us lose weight? Hhm…the Coffee would become a health partner? Creating a coffee that helps you lose weight has been and is being attempted over and over and over. The results have been bad with even some of the ideas proving outright harmful.

plôs® THERMO

Plos Thermo is the result of Bio-hacking genius. Specifically it is a non-dairy creamer “SNAP” that you simply squeeze into your favorite hot or cold beverage. It enhances your beverage with aids to help you lose weight. This bio-hacking non-dairy creamer will enhance your mood, uplift your spirits, and help with thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat. You get energized and feel better.

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee supplement help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

Love the finer things in life

Obviously most all of us love the finer things in life. For most of us Food is probably our Number One finer thing we want. Fine foods and dining out are what we enjoy and want most often. Generally after dinner comes dessert. A great piece of Pie or Cheesecake even – well that can be hard to pass up as well. You will see your appetite reduced and the portions you want decrease. This coffee aid actually affects you to where you are not wanting to eat or eat for comfort.

Pair plôs® THERMO with our sleep and weight loss supplement called zlēm® and you will find yourself sleeping better and finally losing that unwanted fat.

Six Incredible Bio-Hacking Solutions

Furthermore here are five more Bio-Hacking products to enrich and better our lives. This in alphabetical order and include details of the ways these supplements help our bodies. How these work is beyond amazing!

brān®: Food for our brains!

brān® is a supplement known as a nootropic. Indeed these medicinal products improve the thinking, learning, and memory functions of the brain. Within minutes of use you will feel happier and more alert. Less brain fog and greater mental focus. brān® helps with ADHD and attention issues as well. Now you can have better focus on your tasks for the day and pursuing your goals. With brān® you will have better overall health and be able to ditch those dangerous energy drinks.

byōm™️: Better health for our gut.

byōm is a supplement to improve your overall gut health. Even when we don’t sense it, we are all in need of helping our gut health improve. The food we eat will process better and our bodies will work less hard to get this done. Healthy digestion and the more effective processing of what we eat will allow us to feel better and get more out of that food! Additionally, byōm will help in controlling weight and weight loss.

plôs® THERMO: Activate your weight loss

plôs® THERMO acts as a catalyst for weight loss. Thus it curbs appetite and will up your energy levels to burn off the unwanted fat. Simply add this to your coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Maybe just take it straight. Pair with our zlem sleep supplement for even better results. Awesome can be yours!


Now you can filter out harmful EMF Radiation

tuün™ RESONATE is the wearable solution against EMF pollution. EMF is electromagnetic frequency radiation. Because of the vast amount of electrical and electronic products in use today we are bombarded with millions times more EMF radiation than ever. The problem is that our bodies have their own natural resonance, our nature. This natural resonance gets kicked out of “whack”,if you will, and it interferes with almost every function of the body. Science suggests that our brains may be even more affected. this is with the result that Sleep, moods, posture, balance, and movement can all be affected. Reduce the EMF and we can br in greater alignment with the natural frequencies of our bodies and the earth. Subsequently When you learn about this solution you will want it for yourself and your whole family.


Regain the Youth you thought you lost

uüth™ is the fountain of youth, specifically a supplement to restore the younger you. Taking this once or even twice a day will help to reverse aging and the effects of aging. Without a doubt wrinkles and crow’s feet fade, joints work better, and body strength improve. uüth™ will help you look younger and feel better every day.


Sleep and lose the weight

zlēm® is our “sleep and slim” solution. Thus improved sleep is the first benefit you receive. As a result Restful and Revitalizing sleep to restore your energy and vigor. While zlēm® helps improve your rest, it also activates the body to use the stored fat to rejuvenate the body and lose that fat.